
高爾夫初體驗 小學生龐進安英文抒懷

裙襬搖搖高爾夫基金會紮根基層,今年推出的「逐夢高球 小手變高手」高爾夫體驗營,在全台各地獲得家長熱烈迴響,一再加場。一位就讀小學五年級的小朋友初次體驗高爾夫,頗有感觸,以英文寫下了他的參加心得。
高爾夫初體驗  小學生龐進安英文抒懷文 / 陳泰杰.圖 / 龐寶璽提供






由財團法人裙襬搖搖高爾夫基金會主辦、台灣青少年高爾夫協會協辦的這項逐夢高球 小手變高手高爾夫體驗營,還有二場將於高雄與台南舉行,凡7至11歲學童不限資格皆可報名,報名費只要300元。歡迎有心想讓子女接觸高爾夫的家長為孩子報名前來體驗。


新竹場:3月7日(六) 09:00-12:00 新竹新元高爾夫練習場
台北場:3月15日(日) 09:00-12:00 青年公園高爾夫練習場
高雄場:4月3日(五) 09:00-12:00 鳳山鳳頂高爾夫練習場.線上報名活動簡章
台北場:4月26日(日) 09:00-12:00 青年公園高爾夫練習場 額滿
台南場:5月2日(六) 13:30-16:30 台南揮展高爾夫練習場.線上報名活動簡章


My first Golf class

Today, I went to Taipei Youth Park to play golf. When I got there, I felt very boring, because I have no friends there. The class starts at 9:00 in the morning. I was in the pink team, which is the fourth team, fifth grade team.

After the coach told us about the rules, our team’s first stop is at the putting station. Our aim is to put the ball into the hole and we can get a stamp. It was easy to me because my sports sense is terrific.

The second checkpoint is the history and golf learning station. We listened to the history and the rules of golf. The narrator said golf was created by a shepherd. He was boring and accidentally hit a ball into the rabbit hole. And that’s why golf was created.

The last stop was at the hitting center. The coach told us about how to hit golf accurately. The coach said I played very well. It was fun to play golf with my new friends. The sound of the bat hitting the ball was very loud and nice.

It was fun to play golf when I felt it is not very hard. And we got a prize for getting all of the stamps. The difference between golf and tennis was that tennis was playing with other players, but golf just was played by yourself. I liked today’s class, because it was fun and I learned a lot of things.


